How to record inexpensively


Well, it can be done and we’re constantly investigating the latest gear to find what does a great job all while limiting the expense. Sure, we used to do all our recording with broadcast-level equipment, but we now have recording setups that will fit in the average backpack. OK, if you want to record your Keynote speaker from 300 feet back, we’ll have to bring in the pro cameras, but we continuously strive to find the most cost-effective and efficient methods available. And later, we’ll give you some pointers on how you can quickly and easily produce your own content.


It is even cheaper to record for virtual events as we can record it remotely or the speaker could record it themselves by following some simple guidelines to get the best out of the gear.

In 2020, we ended up recording a few different ways to support the clients on a bunch, those that needed the highest quality and those that were the most convenient.

For the highest quality, we went to the home town of the speaker and recorded in a space while following CDC guidelines to keep the speakers and our crew safe. The records were the highest quality as we could use our broadcast camera, studio lights and high quality microphones.

For the simplest way for your speakers to be recorded, it can be done remotely where the speaker just has to show up at the schedule time, share their screen, camera and turn their mic on. The recording is handling remotely so the speaker just focuses on delivering their presentation.

The least expensive way is for the speakers to do the recordings themselves. There are numerous ways they can go about doing this using a variety of software tools like: OBS, Camtasia, Loom, Prezi Video just to name a few.


Do you need a host for your virtual event?


Why record your content?